So there he was. Immersed in video/sound equipment and asking me if I'd like to come by and learn the new cam and edit from it the wedding photos that he'd taken. " Sure, I could do that," I said, "some day next week, I can be here, to uh...learn it all." Then he goes into the stuff. His water distiller which he hopes to some day have "out there" and on the market. He created it; he creates. Still at 75, he continues to hope and dream in the creative endeavor. "That's probably crazy," he says. "Nope, not at all," I say, "It keeps you going, creating, hoping, dreaming." And he looks at me and smiles. I don't think anyone has said that to him yet, at this point, and so I'm glad I have.
I will be there, next week. I will be video editor and I will learn. I will create. I will appreciate the process that began it all... long ago. The Creator created. In six days and his most amazing creation was that of man.
So speaking of that, I have couple jokes here. After all: "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine," right? :-)
What is the thinnest book in the world? (If you think you know, let me know, I"ll post the answer Saturday.)
And...What did God say after He created Adam? (think, guys, think!!!)
Okay...I gotta run. Remember: Each day is a choice and if you listen carefully in the pre-dawn backstage, you might here something close to...a kiss from the Creator. You might even feel it fresh upon the front lobe of your brain and in the canyons of your heart.
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