Thursday, December 3, 2009

Time tells..

So yet another year has passed. Time told the story, now we know. One year ago, I needed time to tell me then what time has told me now. But it seems that time does not cooperate that way and we are left to wonder, wander, scooping up pieces of hope, throwing out blankets of doubt. Then we accept the fact that only with time will we know. Only with that and only then. The thing is, though, that there is a way to know things before time tells. I'm pretty sure, at least, that one year ago my heart, my intuition, was already telling me firmly the facts about this or that situation in question. And so it goes and so it has gone for many years, I have only now seen this. So, I'm a bit irritated at myself for allowing time to go by before I confirm aloud that which I already knew before time past and as time showered its daily dose of heart-speak.

Anyway. Hmm...
A messy, crazy, woman...