Thursday, June 17, 2010

Excerpt from: Messy, Crazy, Lovely Life...

Here is the first paragraph, the beginning of my book, an excerpt.

Part One:

Life came
Swelling, crashing upon the shores of heart
Deep, elusive, awing with power and strength
Holding humanity captive.

Once upon a time and here upon the earth there lived a woman who lost her home.
This home, open and welcoming and full of laughter and smiles and good tears and imaginings, gradually began to shrink and become dark. Her home had always been just right for her, for it had been designed and wonderfully made in secret, curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth by the best of the best built to the last intricate detail according to blueprint, according to plan. But the woman had decided that things were not as they should be. "Perhaps I should change this, it might be more acceptable this way," she reasoned and changed to accommodate and make room for expectations and roles. She packed up true and real expressions, for they had become burdensome, and set them on a shelf. She stored hurt in the cold beneath and bound it with cords of resentment, where moth and rust would corrupt. "There, that looks better," she choked with a smile, and although everyone out there seemed to approve, she began to feel her throat tighten, and she could not find the air to breathe and her eyes could no longer see the way.

So begins the complete manuscript. The first, the only of its kind for me...and we shall see where it goes.

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